Picnic Point High School

Knowledge Is Life

Telephone02 9772 1700


Transition to our school

An orientation day for Year 6 students entering Year 7 at PPHS is held every year in the first week of December. Local primary schools will be notified each year with further details. Orientation packs and additional information will be supplied to all incoming students on orientation day. To support the transition from primary to high school we have developed a Year 7 Orientation site.

Students enrolling in our school in other years, can access this Year 7 site for general information or visit our Interactive Prospectus located on the home page of this website. This prospectus includes videos, photos, subject information and much more.

The Year 7 Transition program is run through a bespoke Wellbeing subject which is timetabled every fortnight for Year 7 students. In this program, students participate in activities that promote our school common values - RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, PARTICIPATION as well as topics including bullying and social media. Students will also learn about our school processes and  explore our school facilities.