Picnic Point High School

Knowledge Is Life

Telephone02 9772 1700


Senior Preparation Program


The Senior Preparation Program (SPP) was developed by PPHS staff in 2021. The aim of this program is to effectively transition students into the Preliminary and HSC courses or for TAFE and work.

SPP prioritises the development of examination techniques and key study, literacy and organisational skills that are needed to ensure student attainment in the HSC. The program intends to foster a culture of high expectations and facilitate growth and improvement through explicit literacy strategies, effective feedback and reflection, as well as quality teaching practices.

Additionally, the program supports student goal setting, work readiness and planning for life beyond school through upskilling, student self-knowledge and the provision of relevant information and resources regarding tertiary education and the job application process.

Students in Year 10 have a timetabled SPP lesson each week with our experienced Careers Adviser and our Head Teacher Literacy.

SPP visit by Georgina Harrison 2/2/22