Picnic Point High School

Knowledge Is Life

Telephone02 9772 1700


All Other Years

Years 7 – 12 Enrolment

If your child is currently enrolled in another public or non-government high school, and you wish to apply to enrol in Picnic Point High School, parents/carers may visit or call the school office.  Parents will be asked for the following information when making the initial enrolment enquiry:

  • Applicant's name
  • Applicant's date of birth
  • Applicant's current high school and year
  • Information about current elective subjects (if applicable)
  • Proof of residential address (see Local Enrolment Applications below)
  • Copies of:
    • Birth certificate or passport
    • Last school report
    • NAPLAN (if applicable at the time of enquiry)

All complete enrolment enquiries are presented to the Principal for consideration. If the student is to be considered for placement, the Principal will arrange an appointment as soon as possible.

Local Enrolment Applications

Parents/carers will be asked to provide proof of residential address (e.g. council rates notice, residential lease agreement or electricity/water account).  Please note: for local (in area) students, proof of residential address within our catchment area must be provided.  We only accept a council rates notice, a residential lease agreement or an electricity/water account as proof of address. 

Non-local enrolment applications

Picnic Point High School maintains an enrolment ceiling, based on available permanent accommodation and total numbers in each year group. Within this enrolment ceiling, a buffer of up to 10 will be maintained in each year group to accommodate local students arriving throughout the year.  Depending on current student numbers, the Principal will determine that the student be:

  i)       considered for enrolment or

  ii)      advised to attend their local school or

  iii)     placed onto the waiting list

Criteria for Non-local Enrolment Applications

Criteria for selecting amongst non-local enrolment applications will be made available to parents who are interested in enrolling their children. The placement criteria for non-local applicants listed below will be used by the Principal to establish an order of placement, so as to either offer a position at the school (when local enrolment numbers permit) or placement on a waiting list.

Selection Criteria for Non-local Students

School performance reflecting Picnic Point High School values related to:

  • Behaviour
  • Effort
  • Achievement
  • Proximity to the school
  • Performance reflecting ability, achievement, and interest related to Picnic Point High School extra curricular provisions
  • Siblings – not automatic entry, but consideration will be given
  • Preference for co-educational rather than single sex schooling
  • Student welfare or compassionate circumstances

Students from out of area wishing to apply should provide all supporting evidence that may assist the Principal in making a decision. The Principal will ensure that the established criteria are applied equitably to all applicants.

Waiting List

A waiting list may be established for non-local students. Parents/carers will be advised if their child is to be placed on a waiting list. The size of the waiting list will reflect realistic expectations of potential vacancies.

Documentation required to complete the enrolment process:

Applicants identified for potential enrolment must provide the following documentation:

  • Completed Application to Enrol in a NSW Government School.
  • Original birth certificate, or passport
  • Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) Immunisation History Statement (only required for students enrolling in a NSW Government school for the first time)
  • Notice of assessment from the Intensive English Centre (if recently arrived in Australia). Office staff will advise parents/carers on arranging an appointment for this assessment.
  • Other relevant documents, such as Court Order, AVO, etc.
  • Medical information (if applicable).  This should include information about any allergies, including anaphylaxis, asthma or other significant medical conditions.  Please also include an up to date ASCIA Action Plan for anaphylaxis or Asthma Plan (if your child has asthma).
  • Clearance forms from the previous school must be provided before enrolment is finalised (although students will not be able to provide a transfer certificate until after they have been offered a place).


Temporary or Visitors Visa Holders

If your child has a temporary visa or visitor visa you will first need to apply to enrol by contacting DE International regarding the temporary residents program.  The contact details are:  

office number: 1300 300 229  


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