NSW public schools are well prepared to support students with disability and additional learning and support needs and staff are ready to answer your questions.
Visit our Inclusive learning support hub for more information on:
PPHS has 4 support unit classes catering to the needs of students with mild or moderate intellectual disability and students with autism. These classes are facilitated by experienced special education teachers and school learning support officers. All staff have high expectations of their students and work closely with parents and carers to ensure their child reaches their potential gaining the skills and knowledge required to become independent members of our community.
The Inclusive Education Unit offers a range of post school opportunities which include:
- A work experience program that enables students to engage in real life work activities.
- An individualised transition program with the Support Transition Teacher to plan for post school options.
Additionally, we have a large Learning & Support (L&S) faculty who work collaboratively with external support services to assist students with high support needs in mainstream classes, including vision and hearing impaired students, providing in class, small group, or 1:1 support. Learning Plans are developed for these students in collaboration with the child, parent and teacher. L&S staff also support mainstream teachers by differentiating tasks and class work to meet the specific needs of students requiring additional support.